Earth Law Practice sprung from the academic work of the Earth Law Center and the Center for Ecozoic Studies. With the contributions of scores of thought leaders, ELC’s officers and directors wrote the book: Earth Law: Emerging Ecocentric Law— A Guide for Practitioners. Since publishing the book, Earth law has continued to emerge in new & innovative ways.

At the local, bioregional, and global levels. Earth law may be expressed in constitutional, statutory, common law, and customary law, as well as in treaties and other agreements both public and private.


To examine the origins, conceptual foundations, systemic challenges, and legal strategies of emerging ecocentric law, and presented case studies exploring the breadth and depth of global developments.


Nature On The Board is a lever to incorporate Earth law into corporate thinking and the thinking of corporate law firms. Corporate beings are composed of human beings. But they do things human beings lack the capacity to do. They poison the Earth. It is legal and permitted by all sorts of beings from nations, to provinces to municipalities and through the emergence of Earth law, to bioregions. It is part of the system. Earth law in practice is consciousness altering systemic change.